Tuesday, 25 October 2022

First Day of Teaching practice

The first day of teaching practice started off with jitters and ended on a good note better than what I had expected. The key is Less EXPECTATIONS always turns out to be WONDERFUL and the BEST. Honestly speaking the new surroundings were a bit overwhelming but overall it was okay to start with. The teachers were supportive and that was something which kept me calm and gave hope

Unfortunately I did not get my English class in the 9th STD, as a seminar/discussion on the topic 'Mental Health and Physical Health in Adolescents' was conducted for the high school students by the Women Cell from Chalai School. We were told to sit in the staffroom which was of course nerve wrecking as you need to behave and be at your best in front of your superiors. keeping aside the anxieties and tensions, it was a wonderful day. 

Monday, 17 October 2022

First Phase Teaching Practice


As part of the B.Ed Curriculum I got Government Higher Secondary School GHSS Kamaleshwaram for my first phase teaching practice. We were a team of four teacher trainees- Myself and Praveena from English optional; Remya and Reshma from Social Science optional. We were told to go and meet the HM and the teacher in charge on October 17 which we did. We got to know that  there was no permanent English teacher and the subject was handled by other subject teachers. I got the required lessons from Dhanya teacher for Class 9. I prepared lesson plans for teaching the pupils from next week. It was a huge task in itself yet I was prepared as one had to go through it and get over it eventually. There was no escape as you have signed into it. So despite the nervousness and anxiety about the unknown, I relied on God's power to help me through the storm.   

Monday, 10 October 2022

Flipbook on A Prayer in Spring

I made a flipbook on the poem 'A Prayer in Spring' by Robert Frost. I had already prepared the ppt for my criticism class and hence it was easy to compile th rest of it and convert it into a flipbook. 

Flipbooks are currently used to replace conventional digital PDFs and paper-based documents such as reports, presentations, magazines, catalogs, brochures, books and more. A digital flipbook looks and feels exactly like a printed publication with pages that can be flipped and turned - without the cost of printing!


Teachers Day Celebration

Teachers Day was celebrated on September 5 2023 at Christ Nagar College of Education. We were assigned student teacher duties so as to give ...